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Windows LiveSupportChatSetup-5.9.2.r180326.exe
Mac OS X LiveSupportChatSetup-5.9.2.r180326.dmg Observação! Instale esta versão somente em Macs com processadores da Intel.

As seguintes alterações foram feitas no novo Operator Console 5.9.2 (comparação com a versão anterior 5.9.1):

  • In this version of the Operator Console, we made a major improvement: possibility to translate the console to any language! Currently we offer translation to three popular languages: Chinese, German, and Russian. If you need your language to be added, just let us know.

    Note! The localization takes effect after the Console restart.

  • The set of operating systems and browsers the Console can recognize extended.
  • Stability improvements made, a couple of annoying bugs fixed.
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