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Live chat statistics API released

Statistics API illustration

Create your custom dashboard with live chat statistics or have your agents', departments' or general company's reports exported with help of Live chat statistics API.

December 15, 2022

Customizable operator permissions

Customizable operator permissions allow to grant or revoke access to sertain functions in both desktop and browser-based operator consoles.

Please find detailed information about currently available permissions in Operator Console version 7.0.6 release notes.

October 24, 2022

White label live chat window

White label live chat

White label live chat window is a new premium feature. With this feature you can fully detach your chat window from Provide Support URLs and open it on your own domain.

White label live chat is offered for the annual fee of $49. Please contact us in our support chat or via email to request this feature.

August 20, 2022

Block your abuser directly from the app

Abusive visitors blocking from agent app

Now your agents can block IP addresses of visitors who harass them directly from their desktop agent apps. It's as simple as pressing special "Block IP" icon on the chat area toolbar. Stop abusers from calling your customer service team.

March 23, 2022

Chat transcripts viewer app is now available

Chat transcripts viewer screenshot

Welcome our new app - Live Chat Transcripts Viewer!

In this app you can view all your account chat transcripts, search / filter transcripts by different criteria, export transcripts' details. The app is great as both viewing and analytics tool.

Note! You need to enable chat transcripts saving for your account to start using the app.

Transcripts saving is disabled in all accounts by default. If you wish to enable this feature for your account, you can do this in your account Control Panel.

Before enabling transcripts saving please make sure that storing your transcripts data on Provide Support servers is not against your security policy.

February 15, 2022

ActionDoc | XML
User: anonymous
Groups: guest  common 
Content-Length: 29,598 bytes
Processing Time: s:25.695 ms
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